How To Style Your Beard: The All In One Guide

How To Style Your Beard: The All In One Guide

Choosing the Perfect Beard Style: Face Shape and Hair Type Guide

Beards have transcended their status as mere facial hair and have become a powerful symbol of masculinity, style, and self-expression. Selecting the right beard style can significantly enhance your appearance, but it's essential to consider factors like face shape and hair type to ensure your choice complements your features. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of beard styling, including how to choose a style, maintain it through regular trimming, and keep your beard healthy with appropriate products. We will also provide age related considerations.

This is designed for the do it yourself kind of person. If you are a bit concerned about messing up your beard, your local barber is also a great option! You will likely want to learn at some point, albeit a bit freaky at first. 

Part 1: Choosing the Right Beard Style.

Understanding Face Shapes

Your face shape plays a pivotal role in determining the beard style that will suit you best. While there are various face shapes, the most common ones include:

1. Oval Face:

Characteristics: Forehead and jawline are of almost equal width, with gently rounded sides.

Ideal Beard Styles: Oval faces are versatile and can pull off various beard styles, such as the full beard, goatee, or even a well-maintained stubble.

Celebrities like George Clooney and Robert Downey Jr. exemplify the adaptability of oval-faced individuals.

2. Round Face:

Characteristics: Prominent, rounded cheeks with a softer jawline and narrower forehead.

Ideal Beard Styles: To add definition to a round face, consider styles that add length, like the chinstrap, or a goatee with a soul patch.

Johnny Depp and Jack Black have sported beard styles that complement their round faces.

3. Square Face:

Characteristics: A strong, square jawline and a forehead of similar width.

Ideal Beard Styles: Opt for beard styles that soften the sharp angles of a square face, such as a full beard with rounded edges, a circle beard, or a short boxed beard.

Notable figures like Chris Hemsworth and David Beckham showcase these styles effectively.

4. Rectangular Face:

Characteristics: A longer face shape with a prominent forehead and chin.

Ideal Beard Styles: Balance the length with beard styles that add volume to the sides, such as a medium-length beard, a chin curtain, or a mutton chop.

Henry Cavill and Keanu Reeves provide inspiration for rectangular-faced individuals.

5. Diamond Face:

Characteristics: A narrow forehead and chin with prominent cheekbones.

Ideal Beard Styles: Accentuate the jawline and minimize the cheekbones with styles like a goatee, a well-maintained stubble, or a chinstrap beard.

Ryan Reynolds and Idris Elba showcase how these styles complement a diamond face shape.

Considering Hair Type

Another crucial factor in choosing the right beard style is your hair type. Beard hair can range from fine and straight to coarse and curly, and each type has unique styling requirements.

1. Straight and Fine Hair:

Styles: People with straight, fine beard hair can experiment with various styles, including short stubble, a well-trimmed circle beard, or a Van Dyke. These styles are easy to maintain and give a clean, polished look.

Celebrity Example: Ryan Gosling's well-groomed circle beard is an excellent example of a style that suits straight, fine hair.

2. Wavy or Curly Hair:

Styles: Embrace your natural texture with styles like the Garibaldi beard or a full beard with textured waves. These styles make the most of wavy or curly beard hair's volume and texture.

Celebrity Example: Jason Momoa's magnificent, full beard showcases the potential of wavy or curly beard hair.

3. Coarse and Thick Hair:

Styles: Coarse and thick beard hair lends itself well to full, voluminous styles like the lumberjack beard, the yeard, or a well-defined full beard. These styles play to the strength and density of the hair.

Celebrity Example: Chris Pratt's substantial full beard illustrates how coarse, thick hair can be harnessed for a rugged, masculine look.

Part 2: Trimming Your Beard Regularly

Once you've chosen the perfect beard style based on your face shape and hair type, it's essential to maintain that shape through regular trimming. Here's how to do it:

1. Gather the Right Tools: Invest in a quality beard trimmer, a pair of sharp scissors, a fine-toothed beard comb, and a mirror. If you do not have access to a large mirror, a handheld mirror will work also. 

2. Start with a Clean Beard: Wash and condition your beard to soften the hair and remove any debris. Pat it dry gently before trimming.

3. Define the Neckline: Using a mirror, establish a clean neckline from the round of your jawline to just above your Adam's apple. Trim away any hair below this line for a neat appearance. 

4. Shape the Cheek Line: Define the cheek line by trimming any stray hairs above your natural cheekbone. Ensure both sides are symmetrical.

5. Trim the Sides: Use the beard trimmer or scissors with a guard to maintain the desired length on the sides. Trim evenly, following the contour of your jawline.

6. Taper and Blend: Gradually taper the beard edges into your sideburns and hairline for a seamless transition. This blending creates a more natural look.

7. Maintain Length and Shape: Regularly trim your beard to prevent overgrowth. How often you trim depends on the rate of your beard growth and the style you've chosen.

8. Do not forget about the hairs around your lips! Eating and drinking becomes way messier without trimming your upper lip. We can't forget about the upper lip being a kiss killer too.

Part 3: Keeping Your Beard Healthy

A healthy beard is essential, regardless of the style you choose. Here are some tips and products to help you keep your beard looking and feeling its best, depending on its length. We went into depth on our blog here on what to do for each length discussed below.

For Short Beards (Stubble to Medium-Length):

Beard Oil: Apply beard oil daily to keep the hair and skin moisturized. It helps prevent itching and flakiness.

Beard Balm: Use beard balm to shape and style your short beard. It adds a light hold and provides a bit of shine.

Regular Washing: Cleanse your beard with a mild shampoo 2-3 times a week depending on how frequently you sweat. 

For Long Beards (Medium-Length to Full):

Beard Oil: Continue to use beard oil to prevent dryness and keep your long beard soft and manageable.

Beard Balm or Wax: These products are essential for shaping and controlling a larger beard. They offer more hold and control than oil.

Deep Conditioning: Use a deep conditioner or beard mask once a week to maintain moisture and prevent split ends.

Regular Trimming: Trim split ends and maintain shape with regular trims, typically every 4-6 weeks.

Part 4: Age Related Considerations

Younger and older men may experience different beard hair characteristics. Here are some care tips tailored to age groups:

Pre- Gray Hair Tips:

  • Embrace growth stages: Be patient during the initial growth phase. Some patches might fill in over time.
  • Frequent trims: Trim more often to maintain a clean and well-defined shape.
  • Experiment with styles: Use this time to explore different beard styles that suit your changing features.

Gray Hair Tips:

  • Embrace the wisdom that comes with age, including grey or white hairs. Use a specialized beard shampoo to maintain the vibrancy of grey hairs.
  • Moisturize more: As beard hair tends to become coarser with age, use extra beard oil to keep it soft and manageable.
  • Gentle care: Older skin can be more sensitive, so avoid harsh products that might cause irritation.

Additional Tips for Beard Health:

Environmental factors do play a factor here as well. Considerations include: 

Diet and Hydration: A balanced diet and proper hydration contribute to healthy beard growth.

Avoid Over-Shampooing: Shampooing your beard too frequently can strip it of natural oils, leading to dryness. Stick to 2-3 times a week.

Brush or Comb Daily: Gently brush or comb your beard to distribute oils and prevent tangles.

Be Patient: Growing a beard takes time and patience. Don't be discouraged

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